The Dutch company WES assigned the marketing and installation services and the service of its wind turbines to SPYROPOULOS SA. The Dutch company WES is a manufacturer of small wind turbines with global sales.

The activation of the program for the installation and operation of small wind turbines and the implementation of the investments depends entirely on the issuing of the provided by the Article 4 of Law 4203/2013 related Ministerial Decision.

The investment on small wind turbines 60 KW provides:

  1. A sustainable investment
  2. Financial support of frontier, border and mountain areas
  3. Job and income creation mainly in remote and mountainous rural areas
  4. Energy efficiency of the country
  5. Environmental protection

The performnace of an air-turbine depents on the size of its propeller and the speed of the wind. The size varies from a few hundred to a few million watts. It is decided upon the needs the air-turbine has to service. Small sized air-turbines can take  advantage of the aeolic energy even forhome installations, offering electric power with important benefits.

The air-trbines have a diameter smaller than one metre and power under 1kw. They can be up to 60kw power and 20m in diameter. Their small size is ideal for household needs. They can be used either for autonomous or connected systems, just like small pv systems.

10KW & 60KW
Power Air-Turbine

  • 10KW power air-turbine: average diameter of the propeller aproximately 8m, tower height approx. 10m average annual production 30.000 kwh for an average wind speed of 7m/sec.
  • 60KW power air-turbine: average diameter of the propeller approx. 15m, tower height approx. 20m, average annual production 150.000 kwh for an average wind speed of 7m/sec.

Especially low noise levels

The noise levels of an air-turbine are especially low and they come from the movement of it’s mechanical pats and the propeller. So, even a 60kw air-turbine can not be heard from a distance of 200m.

WES 50 Wind Turbine